How can I cancel my order?
Click on “Cancel Order” below. Choose the order, select the reason and submit!
Cancel Order
Why was my order cancelled?
If you cancelled your order, the status would show as Order Cancelled. In rare scenario, if Snapdeal cancels your order, we will refund your money back.
Track Order
How will I get a refund for an item I cancelled?
If you’ve already paid for your order, we will refund the money in the original mode of payment. You can also check the status of your refund by clicking “Track Refund” below.
Can I cancel part of my order?
Cancel Order
Can I cancel my order anytime before delivery?
Yes, you can. Go to My Orders and click on ‘Cancel’ next to the relevant item. To do it right now, click on ‘Cancel Order’ below.
Cancel Order
Why can’t I cancel a particular item?
You might have ordered a non-cancellable product (e.g automobile) or you have already requested for cancellation. We will work on your request, you need not cancel it again. Also if you have placed a cash on delivery order, you can’t cancel the order till the order gets verified.
Cancel Order
How can I check my order status?
You can check the status of your order by clicking “Track Order” below. TRACK ORDER
How do I know my order is confirmed?
We’ll send you an email and SMS when we confirm your order. You can also check your My Orders page. Click ‘Track Order’ below to view your orders. Track Order
What are the different statuses in My Orders?
The different statuses on My Orders are:
- PLACED: Your order is placed
- DISPATCHED: Your item has been handed over to the courier
- DELIVERED: Your item has been delivered
- CANCELLED: Your order has been cancelled
- REVERSED: Your request to return/replace is in process
- RETURNED: You have returned your item and received refund
- REPLACED: Your replacement request is complete
- COURIER RETURNED: The item is returned to Snapdeal by the courier as undelivered
Can I change my delivery address after I place an order?
You can change your item anytime before it is packed and ready for dispatch. Click on ‘Track Order’ below to check if your address can be changed on your order.
Can I open and check the contents of my package before accepting delivery?
Currently, this option is not available for all Instrumentwala purchases. It is only available for some items.
Why is the status on the courier’s website different from My Orders?
The information in My Orders is accurate and up to date. We will send you an email and SMS whenever there is any update on your order.
Why is there a delivery date range?
Track Order The delivery date range allows you to prepare yourself to receive delivery within these dates. Once your item is dispatched, keep tracking it by clicking on ‘Track’ in My Orders. Click the ‘Track Order’ button below to see where your orders are! Track Order
Which courier will deliver my item?
We use a network of trustworthy partners based on their speed to pick your item from the seller and deliver it to you. Track Order
Are there shipping and delivery charges for my order?
Shipping and delivery charges may apply depending on the item you purchased, the price and your location. You can find these charges on the item’s information page. Track Order
What if my package is opened/tampered with?
If you feel that your package was opened/tampered with, please don’t accept delivery. Please cancel the order in My Orders. We will confirm your cancellation request. Track Order
Why did I receive a partial order?
This could be because:
- You have a single order with many items, that could have been shipped separately
- You only have a single item order.
If an item is missing from a set or combo, please get in touch with us through ‘Contact Customer Care’ below. Track Order
Does Instrumentwala deliver to my location?
Enter your PIN code in the PIN code tool located on the item’s information page. It will confirm if we deliver to your location. Track Order
Delivery was attempted but I was unavailable. What next?
Don’t worry, we’ll call you to check when you are available to accept the delivery. Our courier will also try to attempt to deliver your order over next 2 days. In case you’re unable to respond to our calls, you can submit your delivery preference on My Orders. Track Order
I paid Express Delivery charge but my item didn’t reach as promised. Now what?
We will refund the charge, as well as credit an equal amount as compensation to your bank account via NEFT. Track Order
The order status is ‘Delivered’ but I have not received it. What should I do?
Check with your neighbour/front desk, etc. if someone accepted the package. If no one accepted delivery, write to us using the ‘CONTACT CUSTOMER CARE’ button below. Track Order
Can I club my orders from different sellers to be delivered together?
Sellers could be located in different locations. We want your items to reach you at the earliest, so we ship them separately.
Can I schedule the delivery of my order per my availability?
Yes you can. Our courier will call you when your order is out for delivery. Please let him know if you wish to reschedule. Track Order
What happens to undelivered orders?
We attempt delivery many times. If undelivered, we will initiate refund.
What are the different modes of payment available?
You can use any one of the following payment methods:
- Credit card
- Credit card EMI of leading banks
- Debit card
- Net Banking
- Cash on Delivery
- E-Gift cards
My transaction failed but the money is deducted from my account. What should I do?
Don’t worry, it will be reversed instantly. You can check your account balance to confirm.
How does credit card EMI payment work?
For all EMI payments, first the full order value on the credit card gets charged. This then later gets converted into EMIs (by the bank) and excess amount goes back to the card. This process usually takes 5-7 workings days.
- Snapdeal does not charge any processing fee on EMI payments.
- Order value should be above Rs. 1,500 (either the cost of a single item or sum of many items in the same order)
- Not available for jewellery and gold coins
Banks charge annual interest rates according to the reducing monthly balance. Here, the principal amount is reduced with every EMI and the interest is calculated on the outstanding balance. The table below shows a representative rendering of EMI plans for a Rs. 20,000 purchase using the EMI payment plan of HDFC bank.
Tenure (Months) | Purchase value | Monthly instalment (EMI) | Bank rate (%) | Total amount payable to bank | Interest paid to bank |
3 | Rs. 20,000 | Rs. 6,800.44 | 12 | Rs. 20,401.33 | Rs. 401.33 |
6 | Rs. 20,000 | Rs. 3,450.97 | 12 | Rs. 20, 705.80 | Rs. 705.80 |
9 | Rs. 20,000 | Rs. 2,344.32 | 13 | Rs. 21,098.89 | Rs. 1098. 89 |
12 | Rs. 20,000 | Rs. 1,786.35 | 13 | Rs. 21,436.15 | Rs. 1,436.15 |
I opted to save card details. What details are saved?
Instrumentwala will only save:
- Card number
- Card holder’s name
- Expiry date of the card
We do not save the CVV number or the 3D secure password.
Can I use my debit card for EMI payments on my purchase?
EMI Payments can be done only through a credit card.
I would like another copy of my invoice. How can I get one?
Go to My Orders, select the relevant item and click on ‘Get Invoice’
How do I delete a saved credit/debit card?
Click on ‘Saved Cards’ in the ‘My Account’ section. You will be able to easily delete saved cards there.
What is the advantage of saving my card details?
You can save time on your next orders by opting for express checkout.
When can I expect refund for my returned item?
Once we receive the original item, we will do quality check within 2 days and initiate refund. – For prepaid orders, it will be initiated immediately to card/bank account. Your bank will take a maximum of 7 to 10 business days to credit this amount. – For cash on delivery orders, it will be credited to your bank account through a NEFT transfer within 2 hours. We will also keep you updated on email and SMS. Track Refund
What are the different modes of refund available?
Refunds are made to the original modes of payment for:
- Credit cards
- Debit cards
- Netbanking
For cash on delivery, refund will be to your bank account. E-Gift cards will be refunded in the form of E-Gift vouchers. Return Order
When can I expect refund for my cancelled order?
If you cancelled the order before shipment, we would start the refund almost immediately. Incase you cancelled the order after shipment, it might take upto 6 days to initiate the refund. Bank takes additional 7 to 10 business days to credit the amount. We will also keep you updated on email and SMS. You can also check the status of your refund by clicking “Track Refund” below. Track Refund
What are the details I must provide for a bank NEFT transfer?
You need to provide the following details:
- Bank account number
- Account holder’s name
- IFSC code (mentioned on your bank cheques)
How can I submit my bank’s NEFT details if the link in the email does not work?
Don’t worry! Write to us with your complete bank NEFT details in ‘CONTACT CUSTOMER CARE’.
I have not received the reimbursement of my courier charges. What do I do?
You need to upload your airway bill/courier receipt at ‘CONTACT CUSTOMER CARE’. We will reimburse the charges to your bank account via NEFT transfer.
I have not received the reimbursement of my repair charges. What do I do?
Please upload the repair charges slip at ‘CONTACT CUSTOMER CARE’. We will reimburse the charges to your bank account via NEFT transfer.
How can I return/replace an item?
Click on “Return/Replace” below and select the reason to initiate return or replacement of your item. Our courier partner will pick it up from your place. Do keep the product tags and packaging intact. You can return/replace an item within 7 days of delivery. ”Click here” to read our 7 days Easy Return policy. Return Order
When will I receive my replacement item?
Once we receive your original item we will initiate replacement in 2 days. We will send you an email/SMS with the replacement details and delivery dates. Track Replacement Order
Will Snapdeal pick up the item I want to return/replace?
Yes, we will pick your item up. In case we are unable to pick it up, you can courier it to us and we will immediately reimburse it to your bank account. All you need to do is provide the airway bill/courier receipt. Return Order
What is Instrumentwala’s 7 Days Easy Returns Policy?
Our 7 Days Easy Returns Policy allows you to replace/return your item within 7 days of delivery. ‘Click here’ to read more on this policy. Return Order
What if my replacement item is out of stock now?
If the item is not available, we will initiate refund.
Do I also need to return the free gift when I return an item?
Yes, this will enable refund/replacement
Is there any item not eligible for return/replacement?
Most items are eligible for return, except:
- Used/washed/soiled items
- Items returned without original packing, price tags, accessories, etc.
- Inner-wear/sleepwear/socks/handkerchief
- Items which are part of combos/sets
- Automobiles
- Personal care and beauty/baby care/makeup/fragrance
- Household items
- Food/medicine/supplements/pet food
- Books
- Watches
- Car care
- Electronic item where the seal is broken
In case of branded electronic items, the return/repair/replacement policy of the brand will apply. ‘Click here’ to read more about our 7 days Easy Returns policy.